Wednesday, May 20, 2009

DND 3.5 Math - 2Hander or Dual wield?

The Questions:
  • If I am playing a high-strength melee character, will I do more damage wielding 1 large weapon with both hands or dual wield
The Answer:
  • Without any doubt in this situation is best to use 1 weapon. While it is true that dual wielding seems better becuase it allows more attacks, the damage does not compare to the effect of adding 1.5Xstrength
The Math:

First we start with a baseline. A fighter of level 15, with a strength of 22. To keep it somewhat realistic, we assume that the 2-handed fighter can afford a +3 weapon, while the dual wielder can only afford 2 +2 weapons. In addition, I used similar weapons, a great sword, a long sword and a short sword. To keep damage simple, I assume every swing did average damage.

Second I assumed 3 attackers and 3 scenarios. The three attackers include a 2-hander, a 2-hander who is power attacking for 3 (to give him the same to hit as a dual wielder) and a dual wielder. In the first scenario the attackers are attacking something with 30 AC, in the next 25 AC and in the final one 25 AC with DR10.

Terms: PA 3 means power attacking for 3, att means attack, ave is average.

The following is the table I used to figure out each attack, its not going to make a lot of sense. check the next group of tables.

Magic Bab strmod feats Weapon
2-Hander 3 15 6 1 7

Magic Bab strmod feats wep 1 wep 2
Dual-wield 2 15 6 3 4.5 3.5

Main 1 Main 2 Main 3

2hand att bonus 24 19 14

ave dam 19 19 19

Dam ac 30 16.15 11.4 6.65

dam ac 25 19.95 15.2 10.45

Dam ac 25 dr10 9.95 5.2 0.45

Main 1 Main 2 Main 3

2h PA 3 att bonus 21 16 11

ave dam 25 25 25

dam ac 30 17.5 11.25 5

dam ac 25 23.75 17.5 11.25

Dam ac 25 dr10 13.75 7.5 1.25

Main 1 Off 1 Main 2 Off 2 Main 3 Off 3
dual wield attack bonus 21 21 16 16 11 11
Ave dam 12.5 8.5 12.5 8.5 12.5 8.5
dam ac 30 8.75 5.95 5.625 3.825 2.5 1.7
dam ac 25 11.875 8.075 8.75 5.95 5.625 3.825
Dam ac 25 dr10 1.875 0 0 0 0 0

OK, that gobelty gook. Here's what it all comes down to though. During a full round where each characters gets to make a full attack.

Damage Dealt

2hand 2hand PA3 Dual wield
AC30 34.2 33.75 28.35
AC25 45.6 52.5 44.1
AC25 - DR10 15.6 22.5 1.875

The answer is pretty clear. A two-hander power attacking for 3 beats everything else in damage. This becomes especially true if the creature has DR.

I will also add that at this point the dual wielder needs 3 feats, the 2-hander only needs 1.

This doesn't mean you shouldn't dual wield, there are lots of other scenarios where dual wielding is better. This just means that for a high-str character, if you want to max your damage, you should two-hand and power attack.


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