Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Review: X-Men Origins: Wolverine

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Plot: The story of Wolverine. His child hood, his years in the army. Scratch that, lots of armies and how he came to be involved in the Weapon X program and loses his memory.

Dude WTF

Core Scale: .4

Wolverine bounces between cheesily fun and cheesily boring. It misses the fun mark by getting bogged down in attempting to have a plot with serious emotions. On the bright side there are lots of exposions, over the top fights with mutants and a scene where he kills a helicopter with his claws . . . while it's at least one hundred feet in the air.

If you choose to go see this movie, and lets face it, if your reading this blog then your the type of person that HAS to see it, you might want to consider bringing some comics along to look through while the movie attempts to have long emotional scenes.

Core Scale: 0.3
When Dude WTF and I originally saw this preview, we sat in the theater going "Meh." Until one point: at the very end of the trailer, Wolverine flies through the air at a helicopter, claws first. That made it worth it. And so, that's what made the movie worth it. Crazy action, Hugh Jackman chewing on a cigar through several wars, and a bunch of mutants. Unfortunately, Gambit is only in it for a little bit, I enjoyed his character. Otherwise, it's a bit predictable, and as mentioned, there are some drawn-out scenes. But, if you like crazy mutant battles, then it'll be worth your while.

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